Drink Only the Best Beer: Or the most convenient. A venture fund I was helping to run made a misguided investment in the Dubuque Star Brewery in Dubuque, Iowa. We were one bankruptcy early. I spent eight weeks up there running the place while trying to work things out while fending off creditors like the gas company, the water company and the IRS. Among our brews were Rhomberg, Wild Boar, Simpatico and the classy Föecking. This last one drew attention from the BATF but fortunately we only brewed it on contract, though I must say it was a hit at parties ("Want a Föecking beer?" one would say while holding out a bottle). Evenings it was possible to order in a pizza and retire to the tasting room for a beer or two before retiring to the Canfield Hotel for the night. I did rescue a broken neon sign from this joint at least got something out of it. The group after us made it work and the place still operates though the free tasting room is now a brewpub.Nikon FE, unsure of lens, Kodachrome 64 |