1993 | The 1990s | 1995 |
Move to Twin Cities. Buy a Nikon 35Ti, use it on a business trip to Britain, disappointed. Manage to go with Karla without discovering she's pregnant for a change. I return Nikon 35Ti, get a Yashica T-4 based on Carl Zeiss lens reputation, and a Sekonic L-308B light meter which can do flash metering as well as light metering. Continue to use Mamiya 6 primarily. I'm taking pictures of our new house, my cute kids, etc. while buddy Dave Dahms is published in the National Wildlife Federation's desk calendar on the next page from a John Shaw photo. I get a Yashica T-4 for mother in law, who is going to Germany on trip. Move darkroom from parent's basement up to St. Paul. Friday night I'm in New York on CNBC, Saturday afternoon I'm in Dad's basement pouring out lurid red 10 year old Dektol. Buy a Schneider 80mm f/4 enlarging lens from someone other than B&H, am treated badly. I have trouble up here with processors as one is continually dusty and finally actually gets little half-moons in the negatives (which I know from experience comes from manhandling the film when loading it onto reels), another is expensive and has trouble with contrast, printing either very contrasty or washed out. Why is this so hard?